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Fedrigoni, Italy
The gift that keeps on giving
Alia Yachts, Turkey
A bespoke journey
Coca Cola, Atlanta
Celebrating an icon
Finish Creative, London
Complete your ideas
Finish Creative, London
Complete your ideas
GPA, Chicago
Surfacing change
Holo, London
Magic diamond
Paint by Conran, London
Inspired by nature
Shaire, Beijing
Field of vision
Center Point, London
Taking a building piece
Parle, Istanbul
Starting a conversation
On cloud nine, London
Meet within a cloud
Trace, London
Leaving a trace
The Chosun Hotel, Korea
Chien essence
The Life, Korea
Build a nest
Wine Event, London
Personality tasting game
Morphus, London
The eternal adventure
Moyun, Beijing
The universal language
Graphis Magazine, NYC
Capture attention
Finish Creative, London
Complete your ideas